Fix the controls and I will rate 5 stars
Fix the controls and I will rate 5 stars
Crashes every time I try to start it
Strange white bar across the top of the screen. Never goes away. Cant even play it because if it. Re downloaded it a million times and its still there. Wasted my money.
This app doesnt work have a white block across the top so you cannot play. Want my money back.
The game looks good but it doesnt load the first stage. Makes me want a refund
Really want to play this game with the app blaster... I know it was intended for the old
I would give this a zero if I could doesnt work waste of money
Really fun if you have the appblaster definetly worth the money
This is a very fun game but once you run out of ammo on the only gun they give you, you then have to pay money in order to get more ammo. Not to mention that the guns they give you are very limited, and you need to pay to upgrade each gun. There is no in-game currency you have to actually spend real money on everything I mentioned.
I have the app blaster and am happy to see more games. This game is sort of like a shooting gallery. Good selection of guns. What I dont like is that the gyroscope controls the aiming but the background is static the entire time no matter how you tilt/aim. The tilting/aiming moves the reticles position on the screen. It doesnt feel all that natural. I prefer Modern Combat 3. In that game, when you tilt/aim the app blaster, you are moving where you are looking and you are always aiming at the center of the screen which makes the experience really immersive. I wish this game worked like that. Kind of hard to explain but if you play both, you will understand.
The game is great I cant stop playing and the money you spend on guns and ammo and upgrades is "in game money" which you earn by playing. Id say this is a must have with the appblaster
I take back what I said about it not calibrating. It was not that clear about how to calibrate it. I like the Game now. It is not a complete waste if money
the graphics are nice,the weapons are cool, but the guns cost a lot and you die easily. But it is still fun. Its harder to use the app blaster gun on the game, so use you fingers. It is hard at first, but you get used to it. The game is not a waste of money, its just a good way to pass the time. You should try it out for yourself.
No crashes !!! Very fun with app blaster gun. Wide selection of guns no restarting waves. Its sick
I saw the app blaster and had to have it, im really impressed with the concept of this game but its so buggy its ridiculous.. plus paying for in game currency? cmon.. I paid 2 bucks for it at least make it run without freezing..
This game is sweet.
This game has awesome graphics awesome weapons and hard at first and then gets easier as you get further no restarting wave definitely worth the money
This is a great silent scope type game with excellent attention to detail. Tons of fun on the appBlaster and well worth the price.
It is alright I guess
Its so awesome⚡